A carnival of outrage I

Mar 16, 2021
Cold War Steve

I wasn’t going to weigh in on the Megan Markle royal shitshow. Celebrity culture is not for me. I find the royal soap opera uninteresting and pity the poor humans caught up in it by birth. And I’m a pragmatic republican. A hereditary head of state is obviously an affront to any kind of democratic principle, but I can accept the status quo so long as royal power isn’t exerted, or too expensive.

I will say, however, that this mess does all seem a good example of The Darkenment. And mimetic desire must play a part in choosing sides. Nuance has disappeared. Baseless opinions are defended vehemently. Colours are nailed. The orchestrators get paid by clicks, and any involvement just further mushes the brains of participants, observers, and commentators alike. It’s a carnival of outrage.




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